Publication by and for women in the criminal justice system
The View Magazine is the only publication by and for women in the criminal justice system. It is a not-for-profit CIC social enterprise campaigning platform which focuses on the extreme costs of mass incarceration and provides advocacy for the women involved within or affected by the criminal justice system. We campaign for wholesale reform of a system that causes harm and trauma, based on endless evidential reports that confirm incarceration is ineffective in terms of rehabilitation, reform and financial input verses positive output.
We are seeking better-funded community diversion services and mental health support. We have petitioned the UN about the way women in English prisons were treated at the beginning of the pandemic and bring strategic litigation cases where successful outcomes may influence policy.
Funds raised through our exhibitions and auctions will support our important ongoing work:
- Trials into the evaluation of alternatives to custody as an effective way of reducing reoffending.
- A digital app, to help people navigate the criminal justice system, from writing letters of complaint to digital copies of all policy and prison instruction documents, with a digital edition of the latest and back editions of the print magazine, our reports and publications.
- The consistent championing of the involvement of people with lived experience in research, design and delivery of alternatives to custody and policy that takes into account women’s diverse needs and gender differences– helping to potentially deliver better community sentences, as well as ensuring that they are relevant and deliverable.
- Funding pioneering research into the experiences of women from minority or BAME communities, and developing bespoke training for the judiciary, police and court staff to promote understanding of inter-generational trauma, race and cultural bias.
- Supporting and amplifying good practise, in women’s centres and non-carceral solutions.
June 2021 ESG Report
2020 – 2021 Social Audit PDF
2020 – 2021 Accounts
2021 – 2022 Social Audit PDF
2021 – 2022 Accounts