Quarterly publication of 8,000 units & 2,000 for free distribution within the women’s prison estate with a cover price of £5.
1 4 000 subscribers 19 000 email list subscribers 7 000 followers on social media
130 stockists (England and International) All 12 UK Women’s Prisons
932 named prisoners + 2 000 copies into prison libraries
+Families of incarcerated women and academics, lawyers, ministers, policymakers and leading jurists with interest in human rights law and public law.

Magazine Advertising
Magazine size is A4 (210 x 297 mm). The paper stock used for the cover of the magazine (300 gsm) is heavier than that of the content pages (100 gsm) and the cover has a varnish finish. All paper is sustainable sourced and we ensure that our printers used chlorine free paper and vegetable dye for colour, in the printing process.
Advertise from just £800
Reach over 25,000 readers / Nationwide Advertising / No contract required / No penalty for cancellation
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Each issue of The View Magazine is carefully curated to include the most relevant shifts and changes in women’s health, law and policy that affect serving women prisoners, women on license in the community and women facing parole. Our aim is to lobby HM Government to create lasting and sustainable change and for rapid decarceration of women in prison.
Content is provided by leading experts and significant people with lived experience and understanding of the issues facing imprisoned women and their loved ones, the charities and legal teams supporting them and we seek to find cooperative solutions to try and rebuild pathways to living positive, crime free lives, with the right support.
We need your art work on or before publishing dates we will provide upon agreement , in a hi res locked PDF format
Autumn 2023 edition by 1st August 30 2023
Winter 2023 edition by 1st November 2023
Spring 2024 edition by 1st February 2024