Laura Bates, a feminist writer and advocate, reveals the institutionalised discrimination that lies at the core of five of the nation’s most prominent institutions. Through the power of personal stories and incontrovertible evidence, she uncovers the systemic injustice of sexual exploitation which serves as a powerful call to action for change.
This book delves deep into the topics of gender, feminism and the impact of male violence on women’s lives. It thoroughly examines various aspects of society and its structures, leaving readers with a range of emotions such as shock, disgust and anger.
If you’re a woman and you’re not sure if your feelings of being second-class, undervalued, and isolated by society are real, then this book will help you see that your feelings are based on prejudice. It’s not against men, it’s against prejudice. It’s about how we need to equalize the opportunities and behaviours that are so ingrained in our culture and other cultures that don’t see women as equals. It’s not a light read and I started to feel a bit down because it made me think about all the inequalities that still exist.
Further, this book provides an insightful exploration of the daily experiences of women of varying ages and cultural backgrounds. It offers a wealth of ideas for stimulating meaningful conversations and, more importantly, strategies for beginning to address the implicit and non-invisible biases that girls and women face. It is important to note that this book is not solely intended for women; many men are eager to use their privilege to assist women in their fight against sexism.
#prejudice #femaleempowerment #feminism #WomensReality #metoo #equality #Diversity #Feminismo #Womensrights #Womensmarch #Genderequality #Equalrights #nomoore